Saturday, July 18, 2009

Here we are at the Badlands,S.D. Beautiful Drive thru the Park!!!

July 16, Thursday, We pull out of Mitchell,SD. for Mt Rushmore with reservations there tonite...300 miles to go. We see signs for 1880 Town, an old west town put together as a replica for all to see. We keep seeing signs for it and it look like a good stop at noon,so we pulled off the interstate.

Admission is reasonable only $9.00 each to enter. The first building is lots of old saddles, western outfits, old buck board wagons and lots of pictures. Then out into the yard, oops I mean street of dirt and old buildings on each side representing an old west town. We walked thru some old buildings then saw a comotion in front of the old hotel, 2 cowboys bothering the tourists mostly the kids. Having a good time we stopped and took in the short comedy show. These guys sure have fun picking on the crowd. We went in the old hotel for a look. There was an old bar room with bar and stage even a balcony to watch the show.

In the back room there was thousands of cowboy/ lady outfits even some for the kids to dress up. I thought it was for those old time picture get ups. But I was wrong...again... You can for only $5.00 yes I said $5.00 dress up as an old west cowboy/lady or kid...this outfit was pants,shirt,boots,guns,holster, cowboy hat...girls wore frilly dresses,some look like Laura Ingles from "Little house on the Praire" after a while the whole town was filled with Old West look alikes!!! This was Cool.. You get to act out your cowboy/girl fantasy for the whole day for 5 bucks!! That is a Deal!! I saw whole families dressed up, I ask one mother about it, she said they come here every year so the kids can dress up & Love It!!

We sat a table and ordered sasparilla bottle and watch the indoor stage show..same cowboys did this too. Boy could they sing and tell stories. We then continued on thru the town seeing..the homestead,church,one room school,fire house,blacksmith,jewelry store,bank,post office, salloon,store,train station, and the town boro hall. Great little town to bring back memories and dress the part too!! I should have dressed up as a cowboy, who knows Carol could have been Annie Oakley???

We finally left there at 4pm and headed for the Bad Lands 30 miles down the road...WOW!!! What a difference in flat land to the awesome towers of sand mounds and deep canyons everywhere. We took the 40 mile loop thru the park stopping every turn out to take pictures...This is COOL!! I loved the rocks and scenery, We even saw Mountain goats on a far cliff just standing there, there were 13 of them. They sure gathered a crowd of sightseers. You have to see this place ...bigger than life...What a act of Nature...Beautiful!!

Then we left the park and headed for Wall Drug Store for our free glass of Ice Water..big deal a 6oz. cup of ice/water. This town is a Glorified Dollar Store!!! But much higher prices. One big building on the inside but the street frontage was made to look like 10 stores in down town. I got my bumper sticker and water and left town, good place for a walk break but then hit the road.

It is getting dark and we still have 2 hour drive ahead of us. The horizon is beautiful with the red sunset. We finally arrive at the campground at 10pm. The road here was twisty and curvey thru the mountains ...15-20 mph was the top speed thru the hills. We got our site #45 on the door and headed for the site. The neighbor/from Calif. Dave, backed me in with a flashlight, he told Carol.. he couldn't believe I backed in one try, she said yes he can!! I was tired and hooked up the electric, left the van hooked up till morning. ZZZZZZZZZZZ
Good's 11pm here and I am Tired 330 miles today!!
God Bless..... AirstreamHobo & Carol

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