Monday, July 13, 2009

The Great Circus Parade .....2009

July 12,Sunday, Let me sum it up for the last 3 days...FABULIOUS!!! I was a little kid at the Circus!!
July 10,Friday, Carol and I went to the waterfront to see circus wagons. The field was full of them and also a circus was playing. I hung out taking snapshots of all the beautiful colors of wagons. We then sat around the waterfront watching the boats.

July 11, Sat, They were going to hitch up the wagons to the horses for a trial run around the field. It was fun watching them hitch them up with their pretty harnesses to the wagons. We then walked around the waterfront seeing all the sights.We spent 4 hours there today. We saw a wedding taking place in one of the buildings(very expensive $$$$$$$)

July 12,Sunday,Sunny and Beautiful!!! The day I been waiting for!!!! We arrived at 9:30 am down town looking for a spot to park and sit. We went to Water St. for a good spot, the garage there charged $10.00 for parking, since the van was a little high,the man left us park on the first floor. This made it easy to walk back for food & drinks when needed. The streets were lined with people on both sides. We took a place along the crosswalk when they close the street down. The sun was hot!!! Then the sun moved behind a building and we were cool. We waited 4 hours for the parade to begin. Believe me it was worth it, we just watch the sights and people hang out. When the streets closed ,the kids came out to the street with chalk and made circles and put their name in it. Some even laid down and traced their bodies too!! I ask why are they doing it? The Policeman told us it's tradition for the kids to do this and hope...Get This... They hope that a horse or elephant poops in their circle. This gives them Bragging Rights!! Hee..Hee.. What a great time we had...

Well it's 1:30 here come the Motorcycle Cops..the full width of the street lights and sirens on!! The Parade now Starts!!!! When the Color Guard comes ..all rise and applaud the ServiceMen & Ladies for their Service..Very Patriotic!!! Then Bands..Clowns..Wagons..Galore...come for the next 2 hours...Awesome Horse Teams from all over America come to pull these Wagons. Some wagons have ..a Giraffe..Lion..Yellow Tigers ..White Tigers..monkeys..Kangaroos and 2 groups of Elephants walking!! Just like the Old Circus Parades that used to parade our streets of yesteryear!!! The Parade ends with a full width of Street Machine Cleaners. Awesome Day...Thank You who ever put on this Parade!! I wasn't Disappointed!!! Look for my Pictures!!
Off to the West Tomorrow!!! ...Stay Tune...God Bless AirstreamHobo & Carol

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