Friday, January 30, 2015

Interesting People ???

Jan. 25th, Sunday, Last year I went to a Steam Punk Show at Renningers Market in Mt. Dora, Fl. They are here again this weekend, so I went to watch people ! What is Steam Punk ?? I guess it is a fashion statement for people to dress up in leather and odd metal objects of design. I love to watch people in the different garb and just to see them in action. 
      When I got there there were ladies from a Belly Dancer group getting ready to perform. Their outfits were certainly a sight to see. Their dance routine was very well choreographed to the music. They were a crowd pleaser for all. I walked around the market just to watch the people. I hope you enjoy my shots of them. I guess what I saw was part Art and part crazy dress-up. Pictures ....
God Bless...AirstreamHobo & Mom

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Rows and Rows of Airstreams !!

Jan 22, Thurs, We head south to Melbourne to stay at Land Yacht Harbor Airstream Park. We had a coupon for a free night to stay there. WE setup and have met our members from Penna.  Bill & Joan and catch up on the news sitting under their canopy. Fred and Anne from N.J. join us too.  Well its time for dinner, Bill & Joan suggested Cheddars for dinner. We pick them up and drive over for a delicious dinner and friendship.
    Jan 23, Friday, we awake to leave, but I walk around the park first. Bill gives me a tour of the Wood Shop that he help set up and donated lots of wood shop tools. This is a Man’s Cave for sure !
      We hookup by 10 am and leave for Clermont 1,000 Trails Campground where we will be for 2 weeks. We drive 72 miles today and arrive at noon and pick our site, We are back in the shaded area on site 129 on Deer Drive, We are only 15 miles away so we can volunteer at Give Kids the World for the 6th year. We love this place !!
              God Bless AirstreamHobo & Mom
Jan 21st, Wednesday, We explored Amelia downtown an Historical town. Lots of small shops to shop and eateries. We found a place called The Happy Tomato Café for a outside lunch. We order a Monster Club Sandwich with drink and sit on the patio for a casual lunch, very good. We search more shops and walked a few blocks to sightsee.  Then back to camp. We meet an Airstream Couple from South Carolina that just got their Airstream from Colonial Airstream in New Jersey. had a nice chat for an hour about our travels and experiences.... Good Luck Marion & Pat in your new Airstream !! (I still don’t believe you are 70 ???)
     God Bless  AirstreamHobo & Mom

Welcome to Florida !!!!

Jan 20th,Tuesday,  We leave the ocean and continue down Rt 95 looking for Florida, we heard it is somewhere south of here. We found gas for $1.81 here in South Carolina, we fill up and drive through Georgia to the Florida Rest/Welcome Center. Free Orange juice or grapefruit 2 ounce cupful?
       Pick up maps and continue to Fort Clinch State Park in Amelia, Fl. we found a site for 2 nights for $28/per night back in the beautiful shaded sights. The tree branches hang over the road back to camp. Almost like an umbrella cover from side to side for 2 miles. We set up and relax, drove 234 miles today. We made It to Florida !!! Here are pictures of the trip so far....
   Jan 18th ..Continued... We drove inland to the ocean to Edisto State Park. This camp is right along the ocean, our site is less than 500 feet from the sand. We pay for 2 nights of $56.83 for water and electric. Lots of pot holes in the sandy road into the camp...No Speeding is possible here. Today we drove 104 miles, short day. We enjoy the area for 2 days of rest and relaxation.
     God Bless  AirstreamHobo & Mom
Jan 18th, Sunday,  We leave Santee stop for propane it is still cold here, we run the furnace every night. We arrive in Charleston, SC. about 1 pm and want to see The Charleston Fire Museum. It is open 1-5 today. Admission is only $6.00 each.
       This museum has 20 antique trucks which are all American LaFrance trucks in mint condition. Each truck is proudly displayed from oldest to the newest to see. All have placards to describe each one. There is also many other fire related items to see. They have a giant stage displayed with household fire hazards to look out for. There is also a fire truck simulator for all to sit in and drive to a fire call, the kids love driving the full size fire truck. The windshield is a movie screen of the street as you drive past everyone to get to the Emergency.  Lots of Fun !! Here are pictures of the Museum...enjoy...
  God Bless.... AirstreamHobo & Mom

Santee State Park, SC.

  Jan 17th, We paid in the am only $42.33 for 2 nights with water and electric. Beautiful Park with a big lake to use for recreation. We drive into town to check the local sights. We see a row of old buildings which turns out to be a Bar-B-Que Buffet place. We stop to try it, the place is Lone Star Bar B Que and Mercantile. The buffet was $23.54 for 2 with a variety of choices of food. It was alright, could have been better. We walked around to explore the buildings and took pictures. Back to camp to relax.
    God Bless.... AirstreamHobo & Mom

Our Friend Laura....

Jan. 16th,  We rise at 8 am Brrr still cold in here..45*. We have an Airstream friend that lives nearby and she meets us here for a quick breakfast. We met Laura and her husband 2 years ago at a campground near Manheim and made quick friendship. Our grand daughter Alexis made friends with their dog Gracie and ended up dog sitting for them so they could see Lancaster County Amish. We kept contact with them along the way. But Laura has since lost her Dave and has kept the Airstream and has towed with it in the past while traveling with Dave. She is now mastering the backing up of the Airstream...Go Girl ..You can Do It !! She is planning trips this Spring.... We had breakfast at the Subway and had a nice meeting with her. Time to leave.
     Down Rt 95 to  South Carolina, of course we stopped at South of the Border, Doesn’t everyone? We continued south to Santee State Park after dark and found a site waiting for us. We met the camp host and he directed us to a site. 372 miles today.Gas was about $1.92/gal along the way.   God Bless....  AirstreamHobo & Mom

Time to leave the Cold....

Jan. 15, 2015 .... Time to hookup and get out of town before it gets cold or snow. We packed the Airstream this am and didn’t leave till noon for Florida. We have 9 days to get there. Remember we are retired and can take our time...Yeah !! We drive about 368 miles today arriving outside Richmond, Va. We find a Wall-Mart  and park for the night.  Brrr, it gets down to 45* tonight so we pack on the blankets and run the furnace for awhile to take the chill out.   See you in the am....
     God Bless ..AirstreamHobo &  Mom