Saturday, September 28, 2013

Here is the gang from the Rhinebeck, NY Rally.. see the pictures

Here is Manheim Fire Truck’s old 1922 American La France see the pictures

Friday September 20th we toured the FDR Museum and Library.. See Pictures ..
September 19th, we leave for Rhinebeck,NY.. after 260 miles we arrive at camp. There are a few already here with more to come. 14 rigs arrive for the weekend. Again we get to meet NEW Airstreamers to us. From California,Canada, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Wash DC, Virginia, New Jersey, Penna. and more. There are 2 airstreamers at the park that also join us. One from Fla. has belonged for years but never been to a Rally ?? We showed them that rally's are fun together and how fast a weekend goes by.  They plan to join us again.
    On Friday, Carol and I went into Hyde Park to see FDR’s Homestead and take the 2-3 hour tour of home and Museum/Library. There was a lot to see and read and also movies through out the library. FDR’s life was interesting to see and also his wife Eleanor life style too. After the tour we ate in the Café and shared a Chicken wrap. Very good !! I guess what amazed me was how the problems of yesteryear are still the same today ??
  After seeing history here we drove down to the Hudson walkway bridge which goes over the Hudson River. This was an old railroad crossing made into a beautiful walkway for all to enjoy... many walkers and bikers too.
  Then we drove around the area seeing the sights. Many in our group love to be pickers and visited lots of garage sales and old barn finds.
   All week we had the regular rally features “ continental breakfast, pot lucks, and of course camp fires with extra long happy hours. Deb was our Rally Host and covered all details of the week and did a Fantastic Job pleasing all rally goers.
  Saturday, my day !! I went with Dave to The Aerodrome which was an old airfield of collections of old airplanes which still flied. This was Photographers/ Artists weekend which meant I got in free since I was a photographer..Thanks Dave for registering me with you. Dave signed up the week before and saved me a $20.00 entrance fee. We also got behind the lines look and history of each plane along the runway. My highlight of the day was seeing Manheim Fire Co’s old 1922 American La France fire truck. I got to see them start it, by crank start and drive out of the fire house then onto the field. The driver, Patrick invited me to climb aboard the fire engine and ride the length of the runway...Wow!!.. With the solid rubber tires it was the bumpiest ride I ever had. Can you imagine the ride firemen had back in the 1920’s ? I even got to wind up the siren while responding down the runway.
  Dave and I went to the old warehouses and saw many old airplanes and cars there and also saw a full size museum of  restored and original airplanes and parts on displayed. I had so much fun today taking pictures of everything..the full air show was cancelled but they still had a small show on the ground and we got to see the old planes fly across the field.There was also a parade of old cars and fire truck on display. Many Thanks to the staff of the Aerodrome for the Welcome  to their Museum..It helped to wear my fire co. shirt for the day. They all knew that the truck was “Hope Hose No. 1 “ before they renamed it. Thanks to Dave too for taking video of my experiences today. Many Memories today.. I got to ride an old Manheim Fire truck which maybe Carol’s Grand father may have ridden or drove too back in the 1920’s. My sons are 4th generation of volunteers of Manheim. Horsts..Hammers..and Obers too. I am so glad that this truck is still in service after 90 years and soon 100 years how amazing is this ?
  Saturday night we had a wonderful Pulled Pork Dinner with potluck of a wide variety of choices..then a campfire. Sunday am we started to see the campground of airstreams disappear down the road. Thanks Deb...
    Here are some pictures of the weekend.. 
    God Bless..Airstreamhobo and Mom

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

 Central Penn Unit at  Carlisle Picnic Rally
The Airstream Display at Hershey RV Show.

Sept. 11, Carlisle Rally..Unit picnic.
    We left Wednesday noon for Carlisle to camp with the Unit. Arriving, we took site #19, there are 2 already here. 6 total are expected for the weekend. It is 80* now and we have a camp fire? but it is camping so enjoy!! We have a relaxing week with friends seeing the area and eating out at local restaurants. Friday night we went to the local Elks club for prime rib special, but Carol and I have Shrimp Basket instead. The rib was 16 ounces and too much for us. then back to a camp fire.
     Saturday, we have our unit picnic in the conference center at the campground. After the picnic I went with Charlie and Bill to see the Hershey RV Show, we heard Airstream was having a display, first time in 15 years they are here. They have 14 Airstreams on sale and they were flooded with people checking them out. I talked to a few and they said this was their first time to see inside one. I saw 6 Sold signs on them, I would guess the dealer had a great week. I have a friend”Terry” that saw my post on Facebook and stopped there on Sunday to look...guess what?? He bought a new one !! Congratulations Terry !!!
   We came back to a campfire and made Hot Dogs and a shared snacks too. The week was great and the weather was great too. It rained one night which moved the heat out and brought the cold fall air in. We started wearing sweaters at night and used the heaters in the airstream too.  Great sleeping weather.
   Sunday, people started leaving one by one. We left around 2 o’clock and got home at p.m.. We only unloaded half way because we are leaving Thursday for a Rally in New York next week...see you down the road... God Bless AirstreamHobo & Mom