Here it is wed,Oct 27, We arrived at Skyline Drive,Va. The leaves are in full color and it is beautiful all along the drive. We decided to stay on the drive for 3 days and camp at Big Meadows and drive from there for one day excursions.

The rocks are a great back drop for the mountains.

Here is the turn off for the camp. we are in site 104 for 2 nights. Boon docking only..which means ..no electric..No water..No Sewer. But I have a tank full of water and an empty sewer tank and I also have a generator for recharging the batteries. We have a nice site along the road and can see everyone coming and leaving. I run the generator about 2 hours a day to recharge..no running after 9pm. But thats OK, our batteries carry us thru till morning. Carol and I play 500 Rummy each night till 9/10 pm. I won 5 out of 6 games(hee hee). Carol makes a big breakfast in the morning..then off to tour the drive. We see deer along the way too. We saw a coyote when we were leaving friday am. I also saw a 9 point buck..wow he was a big one!!

Look at this view...forever and ever!!