We Made it to Madison,WI. June 12, Friday, We wake up to singing birds this am ...what only 6 am?? Try to sleep some more but we get up by 7:30. We all tear down and dump our tanks & fill up with water before we leave. Only 2 miles to go. I lead the way, would you believe I lost the caravan behind me with only 2 blocks to go? I had to turn at the light over the hill and they didn't see me turn, what a lousy caravan leader I am. They figure it out and catch up at the gate.
We go thru verification and stop in the bull pen.They are still marking the lots for the rows and spots. At 1 pm we start leaving some go to their spots. This is a slow process to us in the back lot, we finally get to our row at 4pm. There are still about 25 left to park tomorrow. While I was waiting I got a flat tire on the airstream, I filled it twice but it still loses air. We level our rigs in the lot, then I take my tire off for repair. Friday night and all tire stores are closed. I will wait till morning. Would you believe it is still light outside at 10pm? We hit the sack..zzz...
June 13,Saturday, we start parking the bull pen at 8 am. At 9 everyone is parked,so I take off for a tire shop. All closed on saturdays, head for Wal-Mart Service Center, this place has underground parking. I drop the tire off for repair. Carol gets some needed things in the store,and they page me that the tire is done. They couldn't find any leak so the reseal it and fill it with air/balance the tire too..and NO Charge?? I couldn't believe it, but they said there was no repair so no charge..Thank You...Wal-Mart...Carol did spend $55.00 so I guess they did make out.
Back to the trailer, mount the tire, had problems with a jack so I borrowed another to finish the job. Then I had to hook-up to move the trailer on blocks to level it. But the hitch jack wouldn't go down, so we worked on it also. We got it to work,then leveled,awnings out,rugs, satilite dish up, jacks down, electric hooked up with 3 amp only ( $255.00 extra if you want 30 amp,we decided we didn't need it ). Now time for Happy Hour..what a day... We noticed that the lights dimmed when ever the water pump ran,didn't know why.
Joanne Olshefski ask we wanted to go to the Elks club for supper...Prime Rib night...After today's problems I said YES!! I needed a break. We arrived at 6pm and they had a table reserved for us along the big picture window overlooking the lake full of boaters(what a View!!!). We had an enjoyable dinner and great food...
Afterwards , Carol & I went downtown to take pictures of the State Capitol Building..awesome building ...then down to the waterfront to see the sunset...Romantic ain't I ??? Lots of sailboats on the lake and lots of college students everywhere. You have to watch out for bicyclist everywhere, they even have a bike lanes all over town and trails also. Back to the airstream...rest... rest... rest....zzzzzzzzzzz